Saturday, January 11, 2025

Game Changer

Hi - The primary church that Alejandra and I feel a strong sense of responsibility towards here in Bogota, is Parkway Church which I got to be a part of starting like 10 years ago, and which is where Alejandra and I started falling in love, as we had a blast doing all kinds of ministry together.
Parkway Church has met anywhere from a hotel conference room to restaurants to parks to theatre houses, to anything in between, and it's remarkable that we've survived for as long as we have.
But that's the thing: within the past few years we've ultimately felt like we've just been surviving... Especially during the pandemic, a lot of our initial drive for going out and sharing the gospel lessened, and a lot of the original team moved to different cities or to different parts of the city or got involved with other churches etc., and so we felt like we needed a fresh start.
Meet Juan Carlos: a long time friend that has led a very organized and dynamic church for years, and who's visited 3 of the churches Alejandra and I have planted.
The congregation he and his family have been involved in for decades have seen way more people rise up and move on to other churches and ministries than we have, and in a sense that's a good thing, as they remain faithful to God, and do an excellent job of worshipping the Lord and welcoming newcomers and discipling those who gather with them every week.
Their church has amazing facilities, and they've offered them to Park Way Church so that we can use them for the glory of God and for the building up of more believers, as well as for reaching out to the lost.
It's honestly a game-changer, and Alejandra and I love being part of both churches that meet in the same building: Levantemonos y Edifiquemos at 10:30 AM on Sunday, and Park Way Church at 4 PM on Sunday... We're probably going to have to change our name, but we still want to keep going back to the Parkway neighborhood every now and then, to intentionally reach out to those whom the Lord might save.
For now, we need to be faithful to that which has been entrusted to us, because to whom much is given, much will be required (Luke 12:48).
Sam and Alejandra Killins Missionary Profile:

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