Friday, July 4, 2014

Colombia vs. Brazil

Today is the 4th of July, and the USA couldn't be further from my mind.

I know that's a really terrible thing to say, but it's just that with Colombia's most important game today up to date - somehow all my patriotism is concentrated and focused on my native country right now rather than on my ancestral one. 

Colombia is bouncing and buzzing and beaming with anticipation like you'd never believe it, and it makes sense - cause I mean with about 60% of this whole nation's population sporting a yellow jersey - it's like we're all part of some huge bumble bee colony or something... A huge bumble bee colony that's completely united in the tension of knowing that today we either win or lose it all.

glued to the tube
3:00 p.m. is this nation's moment of truth! and everyone alike: friends, families, strangers, and enemies - we'll all be glued to our tubes just waiting for our first goal of glory. Will it ever come? Will it come before Brazil? Will it be complimented with a second or third? Will we clinch the game? ...or will the match just draw out incessantly with our boys fighting tooth and nail for every inch of Estadio Castelão till the wistle blows and we go to shoot outs... It's truly amazing how today in Colombia soccer is really the only thing that matters.

The thing about it though, is that - so it is in Brazil!

All the hype we feel right now here in Colo - well, it's just augmented all the more across the border. 

Today will be the first game for Colombia in this World Cup where there will be more fans rooting for our opponent than there will be for us. We're the visiting team, and as such we'll be wearing red. We're the underdog that's never even made it into the quarter-finals before; much less won five championship titles like Brazil. Everything is on the line, and like I said before - we've got it all to either win or lose.

Colombia team sporting the red jersey
And did you know that spiritually our lives as Christians are kind of like a soccer match as well?

It's an abstract thought, but this is how I view it:

The team: the Church (1 Cor.12:27-29). 
The head coach: God (Col.1:2a).
The team captain: Jesus (Col. 1:18).
The player's positions: different gifts of the Holy Spirit (Eph.4:11-12).
The objective: make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:18-20).
The strategy: love and unity (Eph.4:2-5).
The jersey: baptism and the Lord's Supper (Eph.4:5; 1 Cor. 10:16-17).
The opponent: spiritual forces of evil (Eph. 6:12).
The audience: angels and heroes of the faith (1Pet.1:12; Heb. 12:1).
The glory: God (Phil.4:20). 
The outcome: victorious (Rom. 16:20).

So no matter what happens today in Brazil, just remember there's something bigger going on every single day throughout the whole World.  

Are you a part of it?

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