Sunday, December 16, 2012

Song Smorgasbord

There was a really cool Indie band I used to listen to a lot in college called The Format and one of my favorite songs is “On you Porch” from their Snails EP. Some of my favorite few lines from this song go like this:

So now here I sit
In a hotel off of Sunset
My thoughts bounce off 
Of Sam's guitar
And that's that's the way it's been
Ever since we were kids but now
Now we've got something to prove

And then the chorus goes like this...

Cause what's left to lose
I've done enough
And if I fail well then I fail
But I gave it a shot
And these past three years
I know they've been hard
But now it's time to get out
Of the desert and into the sun
Even if it's alone

...And see, that was what I felt like right before I got commended to the Colombian mission field back in 2009... It was like I had something to prove and there wasn't a thing that anyone could do to keep from doing it.

Now though, the same lead vocalist from this band has turned pop and a few of the lyrics from his main song with his new band in their most recent album called "Some Nights" go like this:

Some nights, I stay up
Cashing in my bad luck
Some nights, I call it a draw
Some nights, I wish that
My lips could build a castle
Some nights, I wish
They'd just fall off

But I still wake up,
I still see your ghost
Oh Lord, I'm still not sure
What I stand for oh
What do I stand for?
What do I stand for?
Most nights, I don't know anymore...

And to be quite honest, a lot of times I feel the same way now.

Over two years time I went from being loved more than I've ever felt before to being despised more than I've ever felt before (and this by the same person), and over one year's time I went from seeing her literally every day to now seeing her occasionally as a ghost in my sleep and still not being sure what I stand for anymore. Do I stand up for my love for her? Do I stand up for the truth of what happened? Do I stand up for what I see when I look into my nephew (and/or nieces) eyes?

It's kind of funny cause all the Indie folks on YouTube have been like up in arms about how The Format was such a better band then Fun., and then all the Pop fans that have now somehow stumbled across The Format have been reading the Indie people's comments and are like: "Both are different music ventures and don't need to be compared to each other because they are both great in their own ways. So every one please get over yourselves (Aj Lewis)"... haha, that's kind of funny because it's so true.

...It's sort of crazy though how a song about uncertainty can get 47,264,452 hits on YouTube while a song by the same artist about determination only gets 497,343 (OOOOOk, Fine. I know that the kick-ass video and vocals in Some Nights might have at least a little bit to do with that haha...).

But anyway, as Switchfoot says, (and as I consider to be some of the most descriptive lyrics of postmodernism I've ever heard),... "See opinions are easier to swallow than facts, the grey instead of the whites and the blacks, if you shoot it too straight it won't come back, we're selling the news"..."Substance, oh substance, where have you been? You've been replaced by the masters of spin who write good looking books and write history in. We're selling the news"..."When nothing is sacred there's nothing to lose, when nothing is sacred all is consumed. We're still on the air, it must be the truth. We're selling the news"..."I wanna believe you, I wanna believe, but everything is in-between. The fact is fiction. The fact is fiction. I wanna believe you, I wanna believe, but everything I see is greed. The fact is fiction. Suspicion is the new religion."

...And in a lot of ways that's a pretty noble religion, right? I mean it's not condescending in any way, it's really politically correct, and when it comes right down to it - what it actually ends up being is a way of life that extremely tolerant and all-inclusive.


See, while a lot of people may think that there are a lot of religions that may be right; at the same time - the only religion in a lot of people's minds that is definitely wrong, is the one that says that IT is the only one that is right... Because naturally, some may say, that's what makes the proponent of it something like a "sociopath" or a "narcissist" or an "arrogant, pugnacious, religious prick"... or something like that.

...And let me just say that I don't really like the word "religion" anyway because it has a connotation of being something that you have to do as a human to find favor with God (and I believe that to be completely anti-Biblical), and so in that sense - yes. I agree that anyone who thinks that they are the ones that came up with the ultimate religious truth would be considered pretty straight up arrogant.

Because that's impossible.

...But what I also believe (and this is the belief that ultimately matters)... what I really believe is that there is nothing that I or anyone else can do to make it to God (Ephesians 2:8) (because if we could then that would give us a reason for boasting (Ephesians 2:9)), and that actually, what is really the case is that we have been saved entirely by grace through faith as a gift from God, exclusively in Jesus Christ, who is the only way, truth, and life (Ephesians 2:5,8, John 14:6).

And I believe that.

I believe it to the extent that while I may not be 100% certain about everything else in my life - I believe that I have been found in Christ. And what is more is that I believe that that discovery has been brought about not because of a righteousness of my own, but it's been brought about because of a righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. A faith in Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:9).

But on top of that, let me add this:

I still don't consider myself perfect.
I still don't consider myself to have arrived at my final goal.

Just like Paul said to the Church in Philippi as he was being held hostage for sharing the gospel, "Brothers and sisters, I still do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:12-14)...

So yeah - that's basically what I wanted to share, and in conclusion let me mention a few more lines that have been going through my mind recently from one of those big time Jesus groups Called Hillsong United in a song entitled Hosanna. Some of the lyrics for their final bridge go like this, and I just think they're pretty awesome...

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity

Let that be my cry.


  1. Dude, I really like how you mixed the songs with the message! That first song by The Format is really great too. Didn't know the lead singer of Fun used to sing that type of music.

  2. Hey Sam, Toad here (Or Frog. I don't remember who was who). I just came across your blog after about a year and half hiatus and read your last two posts. Thank you for sharing, for inserting different lyrics to describe different emotions and periods in your life, and for being honest. Your other post about moving to the States and learning to accept and develop your new identity really speaks to me now when I read your most recent post. I want to encourage you with the verse you quoted from Filipenses 3:14. God knows you. He knew you in Colombia, two years ago and knows you now. And he will bring you forth to a new season in life, but not before walking through this one along side you. I pray for perseverance as you wait for an answer to "What do I stand for?" Your honestly, struggles and insight have reached me at points in my life over the last four years when God needed to reach me (for example your casting the net to the right post). Muchisimas gracias y animo. Bendiciones hermano.
    Un abrazo,
