Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Whom Shall I Fear?

Hi - One of the main passages that gives me a lot of encouragement as a missionary is Matthew 10... I think that many of the principles Jesus mentions in this passage can be applied to us today, even though it's clear that Jesus gave these instructions to the 12 disciples who were about to announce the Kingdom of Heaven throughout Israel... What we've received freely we're supposed to give freely, and we're to let our peace fall upon those who receive us well... To those who reject us we can shake the dust off our feet and move on, because in the end God is the one who will judge... Being a Christian is like being a sheep among wolves, and so we need to be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves... It shouldn't surprise us if we are perscuted, betrayed, hated and slandered; because that's the way they treated our Master, and it's an honor to be associated with Him... Men and women equally, we should shout abroad the truth of the Word, even from the rooftops, and we should not be afraid - the worst anyone can do is kill us. God cares about the sparrows, and we are way more valuable than many sparrows, so let's keep acknowledging Jesus publicly here on earth. As we do, Jesus will acknowlege us before our Father in heaven, and no one other than Him can take away or save our soul. My encouragement to everyone is that we receive those who come in the name of the Lord, who teach us the truth in love, and who live righteously; whether they be Jew, Gentile, male, female, slave or free... Even just in giving people like this a cup of cold water - we will surely be rewarded. Thank you Christian Missions In Many Lands, for including me in your missionary prayer handbook for 12 years. Thank you for keeping Alejandra and I on your website and for proding your services to us. God bless you, and CMML bless God. Galatians 1:10 Sam and Alejandra Killins Missionary Profile:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi - There has only been one time in my life where I put a stop to a baptism that was about to take place.
In the leading up to the moment of submerging my friend Camilo in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, I asked him a few questions to see if he understood and believed the gospel, but I didn't perceive clarity in his confession of faith... Even though we were already in the water, I told him I wouldn't baptize him on that occasion, and so even though it was extremely awkward, we got out of the water and eventually we all went home.
Especially my friend Duvan kept teaching Camilo the truth and discipling him, and we finally saw that he knew in whom he had believed, and that he was convinced Jesus was able to guard him until that day that which had been entrusted to him.
My pastor friend Encarnacion and I finally got to baptise Camilo in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and it was such a joy to see our brother come out of the water declaring that he is a new creation in Christ.
Now jump ahead about a year and a half, and Camilo just got drafted into the Colombian military... "It's going to be tough" I told him, "but keep remembering who you are in Christ and be careful of the way in which your fellow soldiers may try to influence you. Instead, share what Jesus has done for you, and try to teach them what you know from the Scriptures... Comprehend the words of Him who died on the cross."
My friend Gabriel just cut his hair this last week before he had to go to the Cucuta barracks to present himself before the army, and all of this is significant because currently the situation up in the Northern border of Colombia with Venezuela is getting pretty dicey, and that's where Camilo could potentially be sent (please pray for him)... As many of you know - there were 80 people that were killed and there are more than 30,000 people that have been displaced from the Catatumbo region because of the fighting between two insurgent groups... The majority of the refugees from this violence are relocating in Cucuta.
Last week I went to see what the situation is like, and besides talking and praying one on one with the refugees, my friends Gabriel and Encarnacion and I got to share and sing the gospel to hundreds of those who were affected, as we tried to bring them a message of hope.
The plan is that next week I'll go back to Cucuta again, to keep getting after it with my friends, as we share the love of Christ, and help out in any way we can.
Along with us, please pray for Alejandra in my absence, as she keeps doing an excellent job of taking care of little Jackson, and sharing a little with other moms who have likewise recently given birth.
Please also pray for my mother-in-law who recently started her chemotherapy. Thanks, Sam and Alejandra Killins Missionary Profile:

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Game Changer

Hi - The primary church that Alejandra and I feel a strong sense of responsibility towards here in Bogota, is Parkway Church which I got to be a part of starting like 10 years ago, and which is where Alejandra and I started falling in love, as we had a blast doing all kinds of ministry together.
Parkway Church has met anywhere from a hotel conference room to restaurants to parks to theatre houses, to anything in between, and it's remarkable that we've survived for as long as we have.
But that's the thing: within the past few years we've ultimately felt like we've just been surviving... Especially during the pandemic, a lot of our initial drive for going out and sharing the gospel lessened, and a lot of the original team moved to different cities or to different parts of the city or got involved with other churches etc., and so we felt like we needed a fresh start.
Meet Juan Carlos: a long time friend that has led a very organized and dynamic church for years, and who's visited 3 of the churches Alejandra and I have planted.
The congregation he and his family have been involved in for decades have seen way more people rise up and move on to other churches and ministries than we have, and in a sense that's a good thing, as they remain faithful to God, and do an excellent job of worshipping the Lord and welcoming newcomers and discipling those who gather with them every week.
Their church has amazing facilities, and they've offered them to Park Way Church so that we can use them for the glory of God and for the building up of more believers, as well as for reaching out to the lost.
It's honestly a game-changer, and Alejandra and I love being part of both churches that meet in the same building: Levantemonos y Edifiquemos at 10:30 AM on Sunday, and Park Way Church at 4 PM on Sunday... We're probably going to have to change our name, but we still want to keep going back to the Parkway neighborhood every now and then, to intentionally reach out to those whom the Lord might save.
For now, we need to be faithful to that which has been entrusted to us, because to whom much is given, much will be required (Luke 12:48).
Sam and Alejandra Killins Missionary Profile:

Friday, December 27, 2024

Exhaustion Evangelism

Hi- A couple days ago we received a visit from John and Mary with their cute little twin boys who were born around the same time as Jackson at the same hospital he was.
What was initially an exhausting experience, God used to bring some beautiful friends into our lives whom we can hopefully keep discipling and sharing the love of Christ with. Even more, hopefully Jackson can grow up with a fun set of twins that he can laugh and play with, and get into all kinds of adventures with.
After the birth of our little boy, Jackson had really high red blood cells, and so we needed to stay with him at a special care unit in the hospital for 3 days until his sugar levels were normalized and he would wake up enough for Alejandra to feed him.
Being in that loud room of monitors and bright lights with about 40 other babies and their parents for like 72 hours was so tiring, and we just wanted to get back home and hold little Jackson without all those IV tubes. Neither Alejandra nor I were sleeping very well, and Alejandra was still in a delicate state of recovery, but then we would look around and notice that there were a bunch of other parents who were going through the same thing that we were, or even worse.
Alejandra and I would especially always say hi to John and Mary, whose children were born prematurely, and I would keep an eye out for the twins whenever their parents had to go back home and I would send them texts letting them know that the nurses and doctors were doing a great job of monitoring their boys. I also invited them out to eat a couple times, just so the 3 of us could get a breath of fresh air and nourish our weak bodies, after hours and hours of just sitting there in uncomfortable chairs in the hospital.
We stayed in touch, and one night I dropped by their house to say hello and pray with them.
I've also gone back a couple more times to drop off some baby stuff and see how they're doing, and now we also had the joy of receiving their visit in our home. Both the twins and their parents and some of their extended family have all told us that they want to go to church with us on January the 5th (well, the baby twins didn't actually say that since they don't even know how to speak yet, but you get the idea).
The other day Alejandra and I had to go back to the hospital since Ále was feeling a bit sick, and on the way out, we put little Jackson in the hospital's manger scene and took a picture of him leaning against a cow haha... On Christmas I sent the picture to John and 3 other dads who all had their babies around the same time and at that same hospital that we did, and they all laughed and thought it was pretty clever... Here's to hoping that those parents will join us for church on the 5th of January as well, and if so - we are definitely going to pack that nursery out man... hallelujah!
Happy New Year, Sam and Alejandra Missionary Profile:

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Phileo Stands For Friends

Heeeey there everybody! Sorry/not sorry for taking so long to let you guys know about the birth of our son... Praise God everything seems to be very good. Alejandra is recovering steadily, as Jackson Phileo Killins Muñoz is crying and growing and sleeping and eating like a champ... It was amazing for me to see and hold him for the first time, and cry just about as much as he did, and sing to him, as I praised God because of him. My heart is divided as I care so much for Alejandra, and also care so much about Jackson... Honestly, I haven't been able to process that mix of emotions very well (especially as I add to it - that terrible tendency of always thinking about myself, and realizing that now Alejandra also has her heart divided)... It tore me up to see Alejandra suffer so much while I knew that I couldn't suffer with her in the same way while she was giving birth... And then on top of that, to love our boy so much, knowing that he caused my wife so much pain... I look at little Jackson and hold him and love him and then I feel this huge sense of curiosity as to who he is?... It's like I want to know him, and then I remember that it's up to Alejandra and I to teach him and train him, even while we also just want to let him be himself.
There's this other super weird emotion that I'm feeling - and it has to do with all of you. In one sense Alejandra and I want to share our joy with everyone, but in another, we don't want to flaunt Jackson around. We know that some people really love us, and we want to honor you, but I know that I often fail at doing so (I'm sorry, will you please forgive me?)... We don't want to hurt anyone, as we know there are many who would like to be blessed with marriage and children but aren't - and then there are many who are suffering a lot more than we are - and it's like, "man, that's not fair" ...I wish I knew how to better empathize with people, and I never want to come off as being arrogant... I also don't want Alejandra or Jackson to be hurt by anyone, and I always want to protect them ...I know a bunch of people don't care about anything I say, and that's fine; and then there are those who really do care, and that's awesome... Even still, there are some who read what I write to try and find fault with me, and that's fine too - as long as you say who you are, and you talk with me about it before you talk to others; or as long as you don't start swinging punches and then run away and act like nothing ever happened.
Anyway, sometimes you could look at the Killins family and see how far we fall short, and other times you could look at us and see how loving God is, and how, especially in our weakness, God's grace is sufficient, and His power is made perfect.
Some of the first people I contacted once Jackson was born (after our immediate families) were our friends in Venezuela and the church in Cucuta... Despite the struggles that many of our Venezuelan friends face - it was awesome to share our joy with them, and see how they selflessly rejoiced with us. This last Sunday I preached on 2 Corinthians 11 (and I said it then, and I'll say it now) - it's crazy to me that Alejandra and I can get away with 'robbing' individuals and churches in the States and Scotland - all for the benefit of churches and friends in South America whom the majority of you guys don't even know (v. 8)... Alejandra has been very kind to let me get away on Sundays and go to two different churches, as I try to keep serving as best I can... I can't wait for Alejandra to join me again, and for Jackson to meet all our friends.
Both our immediate families have been really helpful and attentive to us here in Bogota, and it's been super cool to have my sister Suse and my niece Aliyah here to accompany us and teach us how to take care of our new-born.
The little snuggle munchkin is pretty cute and calm and comparable to Alejandra in a lot of ways (praise God!) but he does have some pretty sweet sideburns - just like me.
Merry Christmas, Sam, Alejandra, and Jackson Killins Missionary Profile:

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Baby Showers* (I mean waterfalls)

Hello hello! Alejandra is in her 36th week of pregnancy and she's doing great.
I'm so proud of her, and we're both really excited to make it to the end of this month to see and hold our sweet baby boy.
One of the things that's amazing to me about this process is how delicate it is, yet how supportive our friends and family are in the midst of it.
To be honest, sometimes I feel like I'm the one that's the most clueless as to how to help my better half, so I really need to get after it, and start cramming for the big day.
Alejandra and I have gone to a few classes together where we've received valuable teaching about how to navigate this awesome adventure.
And our friends have been so generous in equipping us with all sorts of useful baby stuff as well as super cute baby clothes.
Even though everyone who affirms us and prays for us and gives us all this amazing stuff feels like it's no big deal, they don't know how encouraging it is, and how excited it makes us feel for the birth of our child.
Spending time with other couples who are also expecting, has likewise helped and motivated us.
In a similar way, Alejandra and I are working as missionaries in Colombia and Venezuela in hopes of seeing others experience new birth in Christ... Every financial gift, prayer, word of affirmation, and accompaniment with other Christians in the process is very well received. Thank you to everyone who cares for us and cares about what we're doing. You don't know how powerful your love and generosity is in our lives and the lives of those we're ministering to.
In our most recent baby shower* (I mean waterfall), Alejandra and I loved seeing how friends from various denominations and churches (and probably even political persuasions) all got together to encourage us as we anticipate the birth of our boy... That's the way I think it should work also, when we're talking about sharing the gospel (John 17:20-23)... The spiritual birth and life of a new Chrisitan is too valuable to care about our differences... Could you imagine a bunch of people inside a delivery room, with a mother in labor, squabbling over the next president?
Missiologist Ken Fleming once said that missionaries are like mid-wives, who assist in the process of people and churches coming to new life in Christ. Their purpose is to train, encourage, explain, relieve, and accompany, but not to control or manipulate... I like that.
One of our friends in Venezuela (Gino) has shown signs of Holy Spirit moving in his heart... please pray that one day he will be born again.
Another one of our friends and his family - Frank - is adjusting to life in the States, and a few solid Christian deacons from a church in Illinois are going way above and beyond in walking with him through every step of the process. Please pray for him too.
Please also pray for Alejandra's mom who seems to have a serious resurfacing of tumors in her lungs... As happy as we are for the upcoming birth of our child - it breaks our heart to think that our mom might have to go through cancer treatment again... It's like along with the blessing comes an equal and opposite curse.
Notwithstanding, God is so faithful and good, and we keep speaking of Him everywhere we go.
-Sam and Alejandra Missionary Profile: Zelle: