There are times when it runs like a charm (or a lucky charm rather) and it feels great to speed along the open road with your elbow positioned so perfectly on the ledge of the open window and the wind in your face.
The kink in the steering, the 3rd gear that’s positioned where the 4th should be, and the rattling convulsions that the car breaks into whenever it hits about 65 mph keeps things interesting, and at least it feels like you’re actually driving the thing as opposed to some of these perfectly calibrated cars where the automatic transmission and cruise control will make you fall asleep faster than a Sunday morning sermon - if you’re not the one that’s preaching it that is.
One of the biggest bummers besides the fact that it drinks way to much gas ,
And then there’s the times that is breaks down...
I remember a trip from Bogota once with 4 of my good friends where the car decided to get a flat tire, overheat its engine, and have its exhaust fall off all within the same trip!
And as for getting stuck in the mud – boy oh boy.
The second time was a little more interesting because we got stuck a little further out of town after we had just visited an indigenous community and we had offered to take a guy and a girl that we didn’t know, back to town with us. We got stuck so bad and my car is so heavy that there was no way we could push it out so we just called a friend to try and get him to get someone who had something with 4 wheel drive to come and fetch us. In the mean time, we got to talk to this couple that we had just met and share the gospel with them. And, incidentally - this couple turned out to become pretty good friends of ours as time went on, and if you’ve read my last blog – they are actually the ones that I got the privilege to marry a few months back.
And we got into one.
And we did everything we could.
We used boards, shovels, rocks, logs, jacks - you name it. We tried pushing it forwards, it would go nowhere. We tried pushing it backwards, it would go nowhere.
Finally I was just so stressed out with all the tension going on that I got out of the car and started walking to the nearest road to see if any truck would pass by that could help us. The thing was, on our 2 hour trip out to the lake in the first place, we had only seen like 1 car the whole way and maybe 2 or 3 motorcycles, and so the odds of me finding a truck with 4 wheel drive and a driver who would be willing to help us – man, that was like trying to find a needle in a haystack or something (and whoever even came up with that saying I don’t know, but it’s a good one even though I don’t get why in the world there would be a needle in a haystack or why anyone would care – but maybe that’s the point).
Anyways, my friend Franklin he was like – what the heck are you doing man? You can’t just walk away like that – there’s no way you’ll be able to find a pick-up truck. We got to work together and do something, we gotta keep trying… and so a little reluctant to obey him - I did. Just because he was right and well, even though I really do not like getting into conflicts with people and I knew that we would keep fighting and insulting each other no matter what - regardless, I turned around and went back to the car and we got after it again.
So let me tell you about it: it was a battle of inches. One board here, another log there, another rock under that thing… and I would floor it! …3 inches.
Ok, we would say - let’s try going backwards: one jack here, another log to give us some leverage there, and everybody push while I floor it!!! 5 inches. 3 back to where we started from, BUT - 2 more in the opposite direction which would potentially give us a few more inches if we tried pushing it forward again.
… And about another hour and a half of this until finally we were able to back the car out enough of the mud hole so that we could line up some boards and logs up properly enough to give it our all or nothing shot and… VROOOOOOM!!! The car peeled out of the mud like it was nobody’s business and slid around on firm ground while the muck on the tires went flying everywhere. I couldn’t see it because I was the one putting the pedal to the medal, but it must have been the most beautiful thing to watch in the whole world, and I could feel it.
I guess you could say that at that instance in which we had previously all had urges of wanting to kill each other… when we finally saw that we had managed to get that dumb car out of that slimy mud hole man - and that WE were the ones who did it, US - the six great amigos – boy, our emotions did a total 180 right then and I don’t believe anyone could have loved my friends more than I did at that very moment. I could have kissed them NOT!!! Gross, I would never kiss a guy - that’s disgusting. Unless I was like in an Arab country or something, then I guess maybe I would you know –like to be culturally relevant or something?
But anyways, what I’m trying to say is that because of having to struggle through something together, I started to love my friends a little more than what I had before, and it was precisely because I had to struggle with them that I loved them – that they didn’t just let me walk away... and for crying in the mud! I mean it’s almost the most ridiculous thing in the world, but I even started liking my piece of junk car a little more too! Isn’t that crazy?

And in all of this entire story, well, I'm sorry that I've been so long in getting to the point, but what I'm wanting to talk about has to do with Jacob and how he wrestled with God and how he didn’t give up on the struggle he had with Him until it was daybreak and God called 'uncle' and Jacob got a blessing.
The apostle Paul had this mentality concerning the things that he struggled with here on earth. He wasn't complacent, and he wasn't going to give up on his drive to know Christ and to make Him known until the day he died. To the church in Philippi he said the following, "Not that I have already obtained all of this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:12-14).
I really like how he says, "I press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of me." God is the one who saved him, Christ Jesus is the one that took hold of him, but here it seems like Paul is saying that he is the one holding on. Holding on to what? His salvation perhaps? Granted - he, or you, or I, or anyone else can never earn our salvation through our own efforts, and I don't believe that we can ever lose it either, but we can definitely take hold of the salvation that we have attained through Christ, and perhaps we can struggle with God as we try to understand more of it. Perhaps in the process we will be blessed because of it - perhaps many nations will be blessed because of it as well (Genesis 12:2-3). In fact, that was the whole promise that was given to Abraham that was actually starting to take affect through the life of Jacob as we start to see in Genesis 32.
Jacob was later named Israel, and it was then through Israel that the whole world was blessed. How? Namely through Israel's decendant - Jesus of Nazareth (and it's kind of funny to say it that way because actually Jesus, being God, was the one that created Jacob and was also in fact the one that wrestled with him so it's just kind of weird to think about Jesus as being his decendant haha). Jesus blessed the world by offering to all who live in it, salvation by faith through grace (Ephesians 2:8). We who have accepted this salvation can bless others by sharing it with them. And who is Isael today? Who are the true heirs of Abraham? Galatians 3:28-29 says that it doesn't matter if we are Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female - if we belong to Christ then WE, US - the millions of great amigos called Christians around the world, are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
What promise?
The promise to be a blessing to many nations (Genesis 12:2-3).
I'd say that God's blessing given to us for the world is something worth struggling for.