But the other thing that I wish I could see more of is people being born again with eternal life (John 3).
And it's kind of interesting because one of the couples that I most got to share the gospel with in Illinois, have recently discovered that they are going to have a child themselves.
Emily got pregnant a couple months back, and I was the second person they told this to. Emily has said that it's been a really tough process for her body to adjust, and I can tell that at times she feels really wiped-out since she barely has any strength from the few foods that she can eat without regurgitating.
Similarly, I think that the process of receiving New Life is pretty intense.
There are huge adjustments of things you have to leave behind in all of a sudden entering into a brand new relationship with God... I mean the Holy Spirit is literally going to start living inside you! and so he's not going to automatically accept every sinful thing you once did. He'll want to regurgitate a lot of stuff that at one point you felt so comfortable with, and you'll have to resort to the pure water of knowing that in Jesus you can have eternal life, not much else (John 4:10; John 7:37-38).
Once you are born by the Spirit, you'll start to get a craving for pure spiritual milk, which is something like a true understanding of God being good, and you'll just want to sip it all up (1 Pet 2:2-3). To the degree that you do, your faith will eventually be strengthened and you'll start craving heavier type doctrines which are like the equivalent of solid food (Heb 5:12).
Stuff like the sovereignty of God or his justice and omnipotence as well as certain aspects about the purpose and practice of the church are a little harder to digest, but they are essential for our nourishment, if we honestly want to grow up in him.
Notice in the above pictures how Kaleb goes from being bored to eventually touching his little brother's head with the affirmation of his dad.